9/7/2012 Just an update, the nominated soldier has to be stationed at one of the bases currently on the list (link provided) where Green Beans Coffee has locations. Thank you so much, and unfortunately they are not located at every installation/base. Primarily in Afghanistan/Iraq/and about 8-9 bases in the United States. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Tom.
Nominate your deployed (on the list) soldier, family member, son, daughter, husband or wife for an opportunity to let me buy them a $20 gift card from Green Beans Coffee through the Cup of Joe for Joe program.
I have been a big supporter of their program for a couple of years now, and have donated my own from as little as $2 several times for a single cup, to $10 for 5 cups for soldiers, I send notes with each thanking them, and I like when I get responses back. Help me give something back to those fighting everyday for us, something we didn’t have when I was serving.
Just head over the Green Beans Coffee website and check the drop down list of base locations that they can pick up the coffee from Check the list here. Once you verify they are somewhere where they can receive the card, just post here something about them. First names are okay, what rank they are, what service they are with, where they are, and what their job is. Do not put their email address in your response. Once we get to 25 nominations or more, I will pick someone’s nomination randomly, and that persons nomination will receive the $20 gift card. I will need their email address then (so please make sure they have one for the deployed soldier) so I can purchase and send them the gift card.
Why am I doing this? I am a veteran, I was with the U.S. Army, Active and National Guard. I served during Desert Storm/Desert Shield as well, with my unit in Saudi Arabia. I am a proud American, and even prouder of the men and women that serve each day, it is in a small way that I am doing this! So please I ask you to pass this on to others you know that might have family in the Military serving abroad and currently deployed at one of the bases on the list. I really would like to do this once every 3 months or so , or more often depending on participation.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through email, twitter, facebook, however you would like, I will do my best to get back to you as quickly as possible.
I want to help pay it forward, I was proud to serve, I want to thank others doing it now, so please share this!
Tom Shewbridge
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I nominate Gabe Lee in the United States Marine Corp. He is stationed in Japan and he is a hero!
Renee, I want to thank you for your time, but there are no Japan based Green Beans Coffee stations, they have to be stationed at one of the locations on the list, the link is in the post. But I thank him for his service, but unless he is deployed at one of the locations that Green Beans Coffee serves he will not be eligible. I am sorry. But please do thank him for his service for me!
I nominate Darrin Fehr…Army…fairbanks, AK
Abby, I want to thank you for your post, but they are not on the list, the list can be found by following the link in the post. I am sorry. Thank you so much though! Tom.
Thanks for sharing this site! I will have to see how many soldiers I know to nominate 🙂
Thanks for the comment Susan, they have to be deployed and at one of those bases on the list in the link in the post, but would love to have some nominations! Thanks for stopping by, hope to see more of you! Tom.
Thanks so much for posting this! I will be nominating my good friend who just returned from Iraq. I will be sharing this too!
Thank you, they have to be actively deployed. If they are currently stationed or will be re-stationed on one of bases that is on the list, that I provided for Cup of Joe for a Joe, that would sound awesome! Thanks again, have a nice day!
Thanks for posting this. I didn’t even know about the site (or company) until I read this. Already started sending java to the troops. I remember how much I used to guzzle while stationed in Germany and I’m sure that hasn’t changed in the last couple of decades as well as the seemingly thankless job that was being done at the time.
You are welcome, if you know of someone particular to nominate feel free to. Thank you for sending some coffee to them, you can do it generically, might not know who gets it, but most times they respond back if you leave a note. Thanks again, please share if you would like, have a good day! Tom.
I nominate LTC John Hyatt. He has been serving in the Army for almost a year in Bagram, leading several teams. John is one of the most positive people I know. Whenever anyone is down or needs encouragement or just continued support, John is there cheering you on. I know he is having a positive influence on his soldiers in Bagram and changing their lives even though they are in a dangerous place. I would love to return that support and encouragement with some free coffee. Please consider him for your nomination!
Thank you Sara for the thoughtful, and wonderful nomination. He will definitely be in the running, and I want to personally thank him for his service and what he does for his troops. I was fortunate to have many officers I knew that were like John, thank you for sharing. Have a great day!
I nominate Ryan Smith of the US Navy! If he is chosen, I’ll get you more specific details 🙂
I hope to get 24 more, but if I don’t then in under 2 months, I will select soldier through random.org ! Thanks for your comment, is he currently deployed where there is a green beans coffee? like in Iraq or Afghanistan? Thank you for your post again, and have a blessed day, and thank him for his service for me.
Hi Tom!
He’s actually out to sea! So you can remove him from the entry. BUT, I wanted to let you know that I have a current giveaway that I’m giving entrants FIVE ENTRIES for sharing this post and TEN ENTRIES for Nominating a Family Member on Active Military Duty. The Giveaway Ends on 9/27 at 11:59pm ET. I hope this helps you 🙂
Dawn @ With a Side of Thriftiness
Thank you so much! I adore you! If there is ever anything I can do to help or return the favor, please let me know! Thank you so much, its things like this in life that gives me meaning, so thank you! I so so Thank You!
No problem! Here is the link to the Giveaway: http://withasideofthriftiness.com/2012/09/06/paypal/ It will not be active until tomorrow, and again it will run thru 9/27/12. If you want to promote via Facebook/Twitter/etc., during the remainder of the giveaway, I won’t be mad 🙂 I’m hoping that you get LOTS more nominations! Enjoy your evening…
Thank you again, I saw the post, I shared it to get an entry into your giveaway. I promoted it through facebook at A Medic’s World Facebook Page, also on twitter, pinterest, tumbler, and google +, so thank you so much again! and I donated to the blogger in trouble, not much, but what I have at the moment. Thank you again, have a great and blessed day!
Thanks, Tom!
I appreciate the donation 🙂 I really hope to get LOTS of traffic your way *fingers crossed* And, you didn’t have to share the giveaway… but I appreciate it 🙂 Enjoy your day!
~* Dawn @ With a Side of Thriftiness!