Hi, I am Tom, your guide on this post into where I am at? Now you can take where I am at, both physically and figuratively. I might touch on both. Why this article? I guess to most my site is just a place to come and see what giveaways are going on, or the latest art card I posted is, or maybe even the inquisitive ones who enjoy the reviews I have done here on the site.
To me though, it is much more than that. It not only chronicles my journey in life, but the things I enjoy, the things I want to share with all of you, and have you share back. My mission when I created this site, was for A Medic’s World to be your world, and while it is “just a speck in this vast Universe of ours” it is your speck too.
So where is Tom Shewbridge physically? I am in a suburb called Brunswick Hills, Ohio. It is about 20 miles south of Cleveland, and has its pluses and minuses like any city. We have some great places to eat, including Wingz (yes its spelled that way), Timber Lodge, The Deli (fantastic Gyros there), and your usual selection of fast food restaurants. I border the cities of Strongsville, and Medina. Medina is awesome because they have a town square like you would see in the days of old. They usually have farmers markets in the park area, and the square has tons of unique and specialty stores. I actually grew up in Cleveland, prior to going into the Military, and moved back here when I was done, guess Ohio will always be my home!
But I always wasn’t here, in the years I was in the Military, I got to visit or be stationed in Georgia, South Carolina, Chun Chon South Korea, North Carolina, and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for Desert Storm/Desert Shield. But my road and path always brought me back home to Ohio.
Figuratively, I am get farther and farther each day and try to stay grounded in what I do. I have done everything in my life to try to do what is right for people, and give everything I have to accomplish that. I have been an EMT / Paramedic for over 23+ years, just last year I had to make the decision to hang up my boots, for time has caught up to me. In those years as a Paramedic one event changed my life, and that is when a 4000 pound passenger van fell on me during a rescue in October of 1998. I nearly died that night trying to save another person, but received injuries that doctors said I would never fully recover from, and that my career as a Paramedic might have to come to a close. I was not ready for that answer, it took a year of the most painful physical therapy and conditioning (Thanks John!) to get me back to a point where I had the confidence to come back to my own squad, and I did that, but with a pain of 5/6 everyday. But I pushed on, because I wasn’t done yet. Up til last year I kept working with that constant pain, till it got to a point of 8-10 everyday. So for that part of me, that is over.
However, I am not done with life yet. I am not done exploring all that I can find, or bringing humor to people, or sharing my love of art with others, so where am I at figuratively again? I am right where I want to be, hopefully having you be a part of my world here at A Medic’s World, for people to subscribe to me, and interact with me, and not just sign up for my newsletter just to unsubscribe when a giveaway is over. I want loyal fans, I want people who want to interact with me, and be part of this journey that I am still on. Figuratively I have lots of things I still want to do, lose some weight, write a book, have this site go viral! (hint hint everyone, I need help for that to happen, please share, and sign up!), and I want to take at least one more long road trip with my wonderful wife, and best friend Michelle! We try to take short little trips when we can, but I at least want a 2-3 week road trip in the next couple of years.
So are you with me? If you are from Ohio, please feel free to share where you are from, and say hi, if you are not, do the same anyways!!! If you have ideas of what you would like to see here, get a hold of me, its easy, there is a Contact Me tab at the top of the page. As always, and with every post, I thank you for being here, I thank you for taking time out of your day to read this, and I thank you in advance if you share this or my site with others, I wish for you all to have a great day, remember to always Smile! Your site to enjoy! Tom.
#life #laughter #living #career #location #EMS #EMT #Paramedic #Hospital #neardeath #accident #wife #family #love #0hio
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I think it would be awesome if you live-blogged that road trip 😉
I might do one some day! Great suggestion!
I’m glad you have had great experiences and memories of all that you have done! I’m in Missouri, but wish to be in warmer climate, as the osteoarthritis in my back hates the cold weather. My 2 brothers are firefighters and the 1 is also an EMT. So I look forward to your posts and how things are going for you. I have been following since last year, I guess right before Christmas. Have a good week!
Hi Jennifer, thanks so much for your comments, I do appreciate you being here and appreciate that you have been with me so long, I wish I had more people like you so if you know anyone that would love to visit, please share, and have them sign up ! Thank you. Love that your family is filled with EMT’s…great career they chose! 😉 You have a great day, and again thank you for being here.
Im from IN, but we have family friends in Oberlin that we go see from time to time and it is so peaceful there. Just big farms and quiet! I would move there in a heartbeat.
I do like it here. Not too congested. But just enough. Have a great day!
Nice to know you, Tom!! Although I haven’t been commenting, I do read your posts every now and then! I’ve been very busy lately!!
I’m from Malaysia,BTW!!
Have a nice day!
Gave a great day Veronica, thanks for saying hi! I appreciate you being here! Have a great day!
You live in such a nice area. I was born on the west side of Cleveland, but we moved to Columbia Station when I was in 4th grade.
It was such a little tiny place, and Strongsville didn’t have much in it except for Shop n’ Save, Red Barn and a few churches. My husband has been trying to find chicken like Red Barn’s chicken ever since it closed in the ’80’s.
I hardly recognize Strongsville now. About 5 yrs ago I visited a friend in Brunswick and it was a shock! She hadn’t told me how much it grew up. Why couldn’t they have had a 3 story mall in the 80’s?
I liked this post. It brings on the nostalgia in me. This past summer I’ve had 2 friend’s who had to go to the Cleveland Clinic. I told them how nice it was and how easy it is to get around in. They thought I was being silly. I have a bad rep for always being lost. I was told how easy it is to get around in Cleveland. 🙂
I never got lost in Cleveland. Ever. In Pittsburgh, I never find my way to anyplace new without getting lost . . . both ways.
It’s a shame about your accident, you sound tough, though. I’m glad you were able to get back to work. I’m a Physical Therapist Assistant and it’s nice to hear about people liking their PT.
Hi Kimberly,
Thank you for the fantastic comments. I love what you have said and shared. John was a great PT, he didn’t give up on me, and didn’t let me give up on myself, although the days with the weight vest up and down the flights of stairs, I recall weren’t my favorite days. Everything has expanded you are right, The last place that I knew of that had original Red Barn chicken was a place called The Country Grill, it was on Harvard near Newburgh Heights. They closed and tore it down almost 8-9 years ago, but they even had the “keel” a lot of people don’t know about that one, the back of the chicken.
Thanks again for your time, be sure to share the site with others…have a fantastic day! Tom.
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