Sometimes growing up we all have a favorite Comic Book character that we adore. It could be Superman, Wonder Woman, the Green Lantern, all good choices. My favorite character to collect things from is Shadowcat better known as Kitty Pryde.

You can grab your I Am Kitty Pryde Costume Babydoll for $21.99 Click the link to get yours today!

You can grab your I Am Kitty Pryde Costume Babydoll for $21.99 Click the link to get yours today!
So you can get your I Am Kitty Pryde Costume Babydoll at for $21.99.
If you buy it and wear it, would love to see the pictures! You can post them to this post, or email them to me by contacting me through the Contact ME tab above. I would do a feature post about you and you wearing it!
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