I remember long ago it seems, that when trying to find things to help you study for EMT tests and certifications that there was your textbook, and what notes you took. But in the past few years more and more apps are coming out that benefit EMT’s and Paramedics help prepare themselves for exams. The NREMT (National Registry EMT) exam is no cake walk, there are dis-tractors in almost every question, and you really have to make sure you read it to be able to full understand what the question is asking of you.
The EMT Study app helps address and focus on those defining qualities by designing an app that helps you study and quiz your self on the six major chapters of the NREMT test which are: Airway, Cardiology, Medical, Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Trauma, and Operations.
With two different ways to process the information, the first being a flash card system, you can study relative terms related to the exam, and decide whether you have mastered a certain topic, or you can save it for later to review again. The second way is the quiz itself, where you can select in multiples up to 50, an exam in each chapter to see how well you do. You will see in some of the screenshots that I have included below, where I have got a question correct, and when I purposely got one wrong, to show you that you can keep selecting til you get the question right, and it will give you an informative screen on the reasoning as well.
So whether you are an aspiring EMT, or studying for the NREMT exam for the first time, or an EMT who just wants a refresher to be confident in what you know, this study guide is the one to have on your iPhone, iPod, or iPad. At only $4.99 it is a great investment into your future. Grab yours though the button below.
But the designer of the program has agreed to give 5 copies away, each winner will receive one download code good for a copy of the program, one entry per household, open worldwide. Ends in a few days.
Disclaimer: A Medic’s World was not compensated for this post. No purchase is necessary to enter. One entrant per household, per address. Void where prohibited by law. Winner(s) will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. The sponsor(s) will be responsible for product shipment to winner(s) of this sweepstakes. This event is in no way administered, sponsored, or endorsed by, or associated with, Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest. Contact [email protected] if you have any additional questions. If you would like to see your product/company featured like this contact Tom at [email protected] to see what we can do for your organization.
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Actually I am a doc. I wanted to see what was available.
My son is studying to be a EMT he has got his first responder certificate I thought this would be a big help for him so I am not sure about the exam
I love your website and will most definitely be purchasing some products and CME’s app’s. I am the CEO/Owner operator of Pro Medic Occupational EMS/HSE and Director of a new Pilot project to start taking pressure off the tiered one EMS provider’s when dealing with Code 1 & 2 transfer’s that are stable.
Currently I am acting Director of Operations for Prescott-Russell Non Urgent Patient Transportation Health Access services, we will be rolling our program out across the Champlain LHIN locale Health Integrated Network service region area covering approx. 18 hospt 227 LTC Nursing homes, Mental Health programs, Drug Addiction & First Nation programs..
My goal is to set the bar by creating a streamlined Non Urgent transportation program that has true policies, protocols, guidelines and vehicle regulations that I am hoping and advocating will be governed by local Provincial EMS services.
Currently here in Ontario Canada it is the wild west and just about anyone can run ambulatory, wheelchair, non urgent stretcher transportation services with old run down, not properly maintained vehicles with Red & White light’s leaving and giving the locale community and stakeholders the impression that they are a tiered one service provider and that there staff are like paramedics..Some maybe but most aren’t..
I have researched this industry for some time after having been an CCEMTP Flight & Tactical Medic for over 24 years plus, I have worked world wide and have been very blessed and privileged to see and work with some of the poorest and rishest programs globally..
Currently anyone can buy a used Type I, II and III ambulance with active lights and sirens, with no EMS equip/supplies and or even an AED/PAED in the event a patient begins to detoriate and or experience SOB/CP and requires O2 Oxygen, no bedpans, no urinals, no V/s monitoring equip, there staff are unkown to the EMS/HSE community and we have no proof of who they are and if they have a CNI/FPS criminal back ground, and or have been tested for HIV/TB/HEPT and or if they have been vaccinated, and or what level there education is, most of the private company’s are all about $$$$ not QA/QC/QI and or PI performance improvement monitoring thus to assess whether patients/family/client’s needs are being met or un met. If you go to my facebook page there you’ll see some of the new vehicles painted black to give a different White EMS tiered one provider look plus we want our patient/clients to feel like VIP’s like being transported in a limo style, with DVD plays/Internet access, audio/video recording of inside and outside the vehicle while being transported for quality assurance/control.
We also investigate every complaint thoroughly, and are always open minded to input from staff and locale Paramedics to create a mobile systems Integration/Reintegration program..I have placed a copy of my power point on Non Urgent for info only in my facebook that outlines the true structure of this pilot program, our goal is to also become a step up not down for employees who are retiring and want to make a residual income, and for newly graduated/convicated students who are looking for the first step into there career.
I am hoping to work with company’s like A Medic’s World to shed educational light on this subject and here the voice’s of all those who have an invested interest.
I am also working on a PTSD program calling it “Courage through VOICES”- “Life After Trauma” for those in need of CISD Critical Intervention Stress Debriefing.
Cheers, God Speed and keep up the great work.
David Cain
Amazing how different school is now! I’m going back to school for nursing, any apps you recommend or know about?
For nursing I would have to do some research, maybe look for an article soon with suggested apps.
I’ve never taken the NREMT exam, so I don’t know what part of it would give me the most trouble…but I guess I’ll find out soon enough!
All of them ! lol Yeah, they are all really hard.