Men’s Outdoor Gear Giveaway ($170 ARV)
You have to love some great outdoor gear and gadgets to make life a little more fun and exciting. Thanks for stopping by A Medic’s World, and remember that I do appreciate you being here, be sure to share my page, sign up for my newsletter, and simply make my day! ~Tom
Deliciously Savvy Is Hosting a Giveaway For A Fabulous Men’s Outdoor Gear Giveaway! Prize Package Worth $170!
Hosted By ~ Deliciously Savvy
Co-Hosted By:
PLUS A Big Thank You To All Other Blogs Involved! You Are Awesome!
A BIG Thank You To Each Of The Sponsors Below! Without Them This Giveaway Would Not Be Possible!
1 Lucky Winner Will Receive:
Multi-Function LED Headlamp For Handsfree Lighting
$29.97 ARV
Ninja Balaclava Ski Face Mask + Free Neck Warmer
$29.97 ARV
Superior Bright X5 All Purpose Flashlight
$54.99 ARV
Swift-n-Snug Running / Activity Belt with LED
Vitamin C Day Face Cream for Men. SPF30
$43.99 ARV
And Now The Giveaway!!!
Giveaway Dates: 3/17 12PM EST until 3/31 12PM EST
Open To Us Residents and must be 18+ to enter
A Medic’s World did not receive any form of compensation for this giveaway. Once winner is selected via the Rafflecopter process, the product will be shipped. Winner has 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. No other blog associated with this giveaway is responsible for the product shipment. The Sponsors Listed Above will be providing the prize to the winner. Thank You for stopping by!
If you have any questions or are a brand/company and would like to work with A Medic’s World please contact me here
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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I would really like the activity belt for my son. He used to run before he went into the Airforce but stopped when he got out. He now has diabetes and has started running again, he has already ran 100 miles this month.
That is awesome to hear, great accomplishment, thanks for sharing!
the head lamp, we use those for getting into and out of the woods when we hunt
Not only do you provide us with information that may save live, you are now hosting a giveaway for things that make life a little more enjoyable. Thanks.
Thanks Mark, have a great day, and good luck!
I know my Honey/Hubby would really like the Balaclava and the LED Headlamp ~ but he already has decent one ~ we both could ALWAYS use another quality flashlight!
(Superior Bright X5 All Purpose Flashlight)
You are welcome, thanks for stopping by, have a great day!
The two items I am most excited to win are the face cream and the ski mask. I would give them to my fourteen year old. It’s something that he needs but probably wouldn’t use unless I win them.
i like the headlamp
I would luv to have the Multi-Function LED Headlamp For Handsfree Lighting for my son.
I know he has always wanted one that is small and easy to wear. I bought him one 5 or 6 years ago that is much bigger and a bit clunky. I really like the way this one is small yet powerful…thanks!
I’m most excited about the Superior Bright X5 All Purpose Flashlight. My husband would get a lot of use out of the flashlight.
I would love to have the All Purpose Flash Light. My husband has always had cheap flash lights and could use a really good one for a change.
I want to win this for the flashlight! My kids lost or broke all our flashlights during their toddler years.
I most want the Vitamin C Face Cream for men because my husband wants to start taking better care of his skin; and the flashlight so he has a good flashlight.
I like the flash light and the head lamp. My husband would get the most use for those two items.
Well I would choose the head lamp my husband is always working into the night out in the garage on a car and he would be able to use this. Thanks for the chance to win.
Great giveaway!