Hey everyone, Tom here at A Medic’s World. I have been away for a little over a week now, but wanted to update all of you on why. About that time ago, my wife had to go for a Cat Scan of her lungs, and the doctor found multiple blood clots in both her lungs.
She was admitted, and started on a treatment regiment that will include new medications and a new lifestyle change that both of us will be undertaking so that something like this doesn’t happen again. During the time I was with her in the hospital, when I came home, I came down with the worst cold I have ever had in some time.
So I want to thank all of you for your patience, and understanding. I have some exciting reviews coming soon, a few more giveaways, and more features as we go along.
Thank you all for being part of A Medic’s World. and being part of this small part of my life in this vast universe of ours. Be sure to visit the rest of the site, check out some reviews, leave some comments, and be sure to share my site with others.
I will continue to bring you the best of the best as often as I can. ~Tom
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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So sorry to hear that. Sending prayers and good vibes your way.
Im sorry to hear about your wife. I will keep her in my prayers.
Thank you very much Sue, I appreciate it. ~Tom
Hi Tom! Sorry to hear about you and your wife’s health problems – sending healing thoughts your way! 😉
Thank you so much Theresa, anything that helps is awesome! Have a great day!
Hope all is well with your wife.
Thank you so much Carly, recovery is going well. ~Tom
Tom, I’m very sorry to hear this news, but will be praying that your wife and you both are feeling better very soon! You were missed while you were away! Take care and know you and yours are in my thoughts.
Thank you so much Pamela, I do appreciate it. Michelle is recovering well. Have a great day~! ~Tom