I worked for Cleveland EMS for 5 years. I wish it was longer, but circumstances occurred (like city residency) and I missed out on staying longer. I did have a bullet proof vest, it was the older flak jacket style, the same type I had in the military, and it really never fit. I carried it with me, and still put it on, in situations that called for it, but never felt protected as much as I should have been with a newer vest that was issued years later.
Now its being mandated that Cleveland EMS employees wear their bullet proof vests at all times while responding to calls. They seem not to be required while at base, or at hospitals, but basically for all response calls.
Check out the rest of the story, by following the link below. I think its a good idea, I am paramount for all things safety, and still have friends that work there. I don’t want anyone to ever get shot or hurt.
So what do you think about it? Do you think that all cities should provide EMT’s and Paramedics bullet proof vests?
Source: Cleveland EMS crews ordered to wear bulletproof vests at all times: I-Team | fox8.com
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I was around when Point Blank was the only game in town then came Second Chance who’s creator Rick Davis would actually shoot himself in the chest with department issued 357’s, check YouTube, I’m not making this up, anyway we NYC EMS EMT’s & medics bought them on our own dime, moving on to cop work I never wore my vest which the first issues only contained the front panel so I mean why even bother? When the second & third generation vest came into being the average street cop didn’t even bother since the perps knew to aim for our heads, now before anybody rips me a new one for not caring about my own life the reason being is when Point Blank sold their second generation vest to NYPD they contained the front & rear panels but nobody would ever figure a perp would have the ability or forethought to shoot one of New York’s Finest in his side right between the two panels, yes it actually happened & that’s why many NYC MOF’s, NYC EMT’s, paramedics & even FDNY Fire Marshalls decided not to have to dream of a day when we’d have to wear full body armor complete with Kevlar helmets & combat boots to stay alive long enough to go home to our families. So as far as I’m concerned the real issue of first responder safety on the streets does not entail politically correct band aid solutions to real world life threatening situations. What’s my solution you ask? I have no idea but I know is what’s being offered is a whole lot less then they rightfully deserve, a lot less, thanks for reading.
I don’t mind taking a bullet in the chest from the very same people who’s lives I’m committed to save…..what I do mind is taking a bullet in the back from the very same people who pay me to follow their orders.
Thanks for sharing your comment. Don’t know what name to call you. Have a great day, remember to keep stopping back. And sharing my site with others. ~Tom
Great info! Wish more people understood the danger ALL first responders faced!
Thanks for the comment and stopping by Kelli, I so appreciate you being here! ~Tom
I think all emergency rescue personnel should be supplied with bulletproof vests for their safety, and yeah, requiring them to wear them is understandable. (they can’t help you if they’re at the station) I just wish we lived in a world where they didn’t need it. I remember hearing stories as a child, about EMS crews having to wait until police cleared an area before they could go in and rescue someone. I didn’t understand why anyone would shoot at people trying to offer aid..I still don’t understand it. Strange times…
Hi Leslie, it is strange times. And I agree, safety is paramount. There are too many dangerous situations Paramedics/EMT’s step into, and not being protected is not safe. Thanks for your comment, and being part of the site, be sure to share! ~Tom