Tom here at Tom’s Take On Things. So happy to have you here. So help me keep this site going, visit some of my recent reviews here and here, check out the other giveaways I have going on here, and check out one of my favorite hobbies here. Thanks for being part of this, I am happy to help promote the following giveaway so you all have a chance to win, help me promote my site, so I have a chance to build something great! If you want to follow me by RSS or email, sign up here.
Win a pair of Halo Smart Headphones
When it comes to kids taking products to school, you need things that will hold up to heavy use. Katrina over at Top Notch Material just did a review on Jabra Halo Smart Headphones. Both her and her daughter love them. Go and see what her other thoughts were.
Sponsored by Jabra Hosted by Top Notch Material
- Wind and water resistant
- Up to 17 hours battery time
- One touch access to Siri and Google Now
Now for the fun part…. Enter for a chance to win a pair of your own Halo Smart Headphones valued at $80! Use the Giveaway Tools below for your chance.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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I love the one touch and google
The most important feature I have for headphones is them staying put- not falling out of my ears, and also comfort level. Some are too big, some too small.
The most important feature for me is the water resistance (or sweatproof) because I use headphones to listen to music when I run.
It’s hot here in texas and I run about 8 miles each morning so yeah, lots of sweat. bleh.
Most important for me is comfort. Can’t listen if they make my ears or head hurt.
Thanks for the contest.
I want my headphones to be well made and sturdy so they hold up to heavy use.
Don’t like the big headphones. Want them small so no one will notice them. The big ones are heavier and sometimes press on the ears. Would love to win. Thanks.