Car Seats. They are a must when it comes to protecting your child or children. I was a Paramedic for 24 years, and while I can say I have had less than 2 handfuls of calls regarding children not being in car seats, why take that chance? My biggest fear was getting out of my ambulance and seeing a kid launched through a windshield because they weren’t properly protected. You can ensure this never happens by reading the info below. Thanks for taking time to be here, and PLEASE do share this article with others. ~Tom
Don’t guess when it comes to which seat your child should be in right now. So what do you choose? Infant, convertible, or booster seat? Finding the right car seat and installing it correctly is no easy task. Then there’s the question of when to transition your child to another type of car seat. Following these steps will help you find the right car seat based on car seat type, age and size recommendations, and will show you how to install your car seat the correct way.
It is Child Passenger Safety Week! Let’s Spread the word and tell parents and caregivers to visit (or for Spanish-language information) to determine if their child is in the right seat for his or her age and size and to locate a car seat check station in their area. Also – Don’t register each child’s car seat with the manufacturer so as to be informed in the event of a recall.
A car seat is no doubt one of the most important purchases will ever make for your child! But it isn’t just that first purchase that matters the most. As your child gets older and while they are growing, you will need to change not only the direction that the car seat faces and how they sit in it – at some point you will have to upgrade to an entirely different seat.
While you can customize the look and feel of a car seat, there are three basic types of car seats to choose from. But even having the right seat doesn’t mean you are completely safe. You also need to ensure that the seat is installed properly!:
- Installation Resources:If a car seat is not installed correctly, your child’s safety could be in danger. Every car seat has different installation instructions. You can find resources and tips here to help you get “the right fit” on your car seats:
- Free Car Seat Checks: During Child Passenger Safety Week, there will be more than 600 events in 45 states across the country, where certified child passenger safety technicians will inspect car seats and show parents and caregivers how to correctly install and use them. In most cases, this service is free of charge. Locate a car seat check event here:
Car crashes are a leading cause of death for children 1 to 13 years old. Many times deaths and injuries can be prevented by proper use of car seats, booster seats, and seat belts. By working with the Ad Council and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) we hope to get out a message that will educate parents and caregivers about the importance of selecting the right seat for their child’s age and size, and to remind them that car seats, booster seats and seat belts offer the best protection for children in crashes and help save lives.
Get this message out to your friends and family!
- Twitter – Many parents do not realize their child is in the wrong car seat. Visit and make sure your child is riding safely. #therightseat
- Facebook – Storks know how to keep kids safe. Do you? Visit to know for sure that your child is in the right seat for their age and size. #STORKS #TheRightSeat
PLEASE do share this with others, get them in the know about it! ~Tom (sharing buttons above and below the post as always)
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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Choosing a car seat for your child is one of those baby essentials that can be a nightmare to choose and I remember spending a lot of time and effort choosing ours and making sure they fit in our cars.