If you haven’t seen it yet, don’t worry, there are no spoilers in this article. If you have seen The Walking Dead Season 7 premiere, then you already know what happened, so try to keep your comments generic in case there are those that have not seen it yet.
We all knew the cliffhanger from last season, we all knew something was going to happen in the premiere of Season 7. It was quite a bit to absorb, and I am sure everyone has an opinion on why and how the events unfolded, and what it will do for the show moving forward.
The creators of the show and the executive producers said they knew this was going to happen for almost 2 years now. In retrospect, I think that is a great deal of pressure to carry around as they tried to create a story-line around all these characters, and how it would impact the show as it now progresses.
While I believe we will never have a Zombie Apocalypse, I do believe that there are plenty of other natural ways that could lead us as a society down the road that this show has led us. It could be a cataclysmic asteroid that hits the earth. Or maybe a batch of natural hurricanes one after another coupled with earthquakes around the world. We truly can never know what might happen that could cripple us to be permanently without power or resources.
The Walking Dead has portrayed that the Zombies were the evil of the world, soulless creatures with a drive to eat as many people who are still alive as possible.
It’s not the Zombies that are the evil in the world. It’s those few who choose to be evil that are still alive. There is always a choice between good and evil and that has always defined us as who we are. The decisions we make, and will make are what drives the cog of this world that we live on.
Some people are commenting that this episode was too violent. Yes, it had it’s moments. To judge this show based on the violence that was shown toward people who were alive, and not the walking dead zombies in the show is where people are drawing the line. There is no difference in what Negan did on the show than if a robber was to shoot a store clerk during a robbery, or if a person who has been drinking caused and accident that may have killed innocent people.
I think The Walking Dead woke us up. I think the producers and writers showed us that evil doesn’t go away. It shows that people will be who they are no matter what. I am devastated like everyone else on what has occurred. Do I think it has gone too far? No. If anything, I am hoping it reminds us to cherish what we have and to enjoy life with others in the best way possible. I think it also reminds us to remain strong and to prepare ourselves for what society has already become.
The world is an evil place. The world is a scary place. We don’t need zombies to show us the worse of what the world has become. Generations of war, ignorance, and racism has already defined us. Keep becoming better every day. Help your fellow man. Stop hating and judging other people. If these things occur, I think we all will be ready to survive if there was ever a Zombie Apocalypse.
What are your thoughts? Don’t mention specifics. But what do you think it all represents? Would love to hear your thoughts below. Comment and Discuss. ~Tom
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I am watching all the lead ups to the season finale (or rather the half season) right now. I have a cold and am up late.
Ahh the show…. I dont think there will be zombies either, but I do agree there will be evil. I am not so sure the show really got into just how fragmented people are right now. I think if things did happen it would be very very ugly for a very long time until people ‘got it’ to get along, and survive as human beings. In some ways it reminds me of the book The Animal Farm the way things are heading. Dont ask me why , its probably the NyQuil.
I have watched the show since it first came out.
I almost referenced “Animal Farm” but wasn’t sure how many people would know about it. Great book, and yes it reminds me of that story too. ~Tom
I think what happened needed to happen. The story is going to grow so much from this. I didn’t like what happened, but I knew it was going to happen. I love how the show is getting back to its “roots”.
I agree Michelle. I am glad the show reminds us that it’s just not about the Zombies that we need to fear. Have a great day! ~Tom
The only thing that was a little too upsetting to me was when they showed Glen’s face after Negen struck him. I felt they didn’t have to show Glen’s face that way. His eye bulging and the mumbling from being struck so forcefully and suffering such a horrific injury were just a bit to me for me.
There was only one other time, in a past season, that bothered me as badly. I don’t remember the exact season; but it was when Rick and others were tied up and being leaned over a trough for the cutting of their throats. That bothered me greatly because in this world there really are people whose throats are being cut. I just felt that to show it was a bad thing to do to anyone who might have had a family member or close friend who had died in such a manner.
I agree about Glen’s face, it was “out there” but again, brutality exists everywhere we are. There are far worse things people are doing to other people. It was sad, but it was representative of the evil that exists in the world I think. ~Tom
Great read Tom! I agree with you. The world is an evil place. What the character Negan did during the premier last night was no different than what Rick and the rest of the group did to Negan’s people last season. If you ask me the group kinda had it coming. I liked the 2 characters but during the apocalypse it’s eye for an eye. Love the show though!!
Thanks for the comment John, nice having you hear. Just wish I could have more like you! I love the show too. And you are right, they killed more people than they lost. Keep with me here at Tom’s Take On Things. Share the post or page if you like it. ~Tom