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Smack! Bam! Pow! Batman Ornament Giveaway
Hosted and Sponsored by Tom’s Take On Things
Prize: Batman Batcopter Christmas Ornament
Here is a Christmas Ornament that you can win to put on your tree next year. Who says you have to put it on your tree? Maybe you just might want to display it on your desk.
Tom over at Tom’s Take On Things is a huge Batman fan and wants to share the love with all of you as well.
Who is your favorite Batman? Is it Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale or Ben Affleck?
Open to the U.S. Only, 18 years of age or older. Tom’s Take On Things is responsible for prize delivery. Blogs helping promote this giveaway were not compensated in any way. Giveaway ends 1/5/2018 at 11:59 pm.
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Adam West was the original and always the best one.
I am partial to Val Kilmer as Batman. However I haven’t seen any of the Afleck or Bale movies, so… yeah.
adam West – classic!
I loved Adam West in the original Batman tv show. I just think he brought some maturity to the character.
I’m a fan of all and everything Batman but my favorite would be Adam West days with the Boom and Pows!!
Adam West, because he’s the OG Batman! 😀
Adam West was my favorite as batman!
Oh man, definitely Adam West, he was a great actor. It’s hard to replace that!
Adam west
Adam West, I am old school and like the original Batman. I do like the others BUT for me the original always will be the best one.
The first one is my favorite with Michael Keaton in it
Adam West and Christian Bale. Not a fan of Ben Affleck in this role.
I loved Christian Bale’s version especially in the Dark Knight returns which is one of the best movies in the franchise. I even enjoyed their version of cat woman. I love his path to redemption.
I like Micheal Keaton as Batman.
Michael keaton
adam west was the best one
Adam West! I always like that, although it was HIGHLY camped up, HE played it seriously. (Showing respect for the law, which seems to be in rare supply these days…)
Christian Bale, completely revolutionized the new age film Batman,.
I definitely have to cast my vote for Adam West!
I tend to enjoy the original actors the most. It would really take a special script and acting to vote for a clone as my favorite.
Adam West is my favorite. I watched him when I was young.
Adam West played Batman the best in my opinion. I loved his calm demeanor.
I like Adam West the best. I love the film versions of Batman, but I must say watching the reruns from the 60s TV series is more fun. Thank you!
Adam West!
Adam West was my favorite because I feel like he’s the better actor.
Adam West is my favorite probably because he was the very first one I saw and that made a huge impression on me. The same as Johnny Weismuller as Tarzan and Sean Connery as James Bond.
Christian Bale,because I thought he portrayed Batman the best.
My favorite is Michael Keaton. I think it is because it was the first Batman movie I had ever seen so his portrayal of Batman just stuck with me.
I’m going old school with Adam West. I just totally got a kick out of the show when I was a kid and still appreciate it to this day. Michael Keaton comes in second… but after that, I’m just not as impressed.
Adam West is my favorite!
I’ve got to go with Adam West
I have no favorite because I have never seen a batman movie! I am hoping to win this for my boyfriend.
I think Christian Bale was the best Batman, acting wise and entertainment wise.
I always liked Adam West from the tv show because my brother and I watched it when we were kids
I always liked Adam West from the tv show
Adam West is my favorite because it is the show I grow up on.
Christian Bale; mysterious and sexy.
I grew up with TV Batman (Adam West), It was a favorite along with Green Hornet
I love Green Hornet!
I would have to say Adam West there was something about his voice and acting that made him amazing. May he rest in peace
I like Ben Affleck as Batman.
Because he beat superman.
Definately Adam West
I like Christian Bale in the Dark Knight.
Adam West is my favorite because to me he.is the original batman
Adam West – He was the first that created the role and deserves the title!
My favorite is Michael Keaton from batman returns. It was a dark take on him and I loved his interaction with cat woman.
Michael Keaton. Probably because he was my first screen batman and I loved it!
Adam West is my favorite Batman because the show was fun.
George Clooney just because he is a great actor and I love watching anything he is in!!!!
MIchael Keaton is my favorite. I guess because it was the first one I saw on screen. I like them all though. 🙂
Okay. Matt. I can tell you just don’t care. That is sad. I have done all of this to try and engage people to be part of this site, and maybe respond to some of the reviews and articles I do and share them on social media, so others will find me.
If anyone sees this. I am giving this away to engage with people. So when you say “Batman” as an answer to who is your favorite Batman, it just shows insincerity and a lack of class in a way.
As a contest junkie I get it. You want to win something. But take time to care about the person behind it. It’s just not right when you don’t care.
I want this blog to succeed. You are not helping. Sorry. That is the honest and brutal truth.
The ball is in your court. Time to shoot.
Mine is the original Batman, Adam West. When I think of Batman, I think of him. The old is the cheesiest and the best!
Michael Keaton was definitely my favorite Batman. Tim Burton’s interpretation on the Batman saga was the best in my book. Thank you for the chance to win. happy holidays!
Adam West is my favorite Batman
Adam West and Michael Keaton. They just made Batman cool.
Christian Bale. I loved Batman Begins.
Michael Keaton is my all time fave !!
Adam West was the first and my all time favorite and I think he really was the best one!!!
Christian Bale was my favorite Batman actor.
Lego Batman is my favorite. He’s the funniest.
From the movies, I liked Michael Keaton the best. I think he personified Batman/Bruce Wayne with some humor, not too much. Some serious, not too much. I also loved Adam West, but I think the tv series was too campy to compare to the rest of them.
I really disliked the Bale Batman. It’s like he didn’t know what to do as Bruce.
Mine was Christian Bale.
I will always love Adam West because I grew up watching him!
Christian Bale. Because he was amazing as batman.
George Clooney because…..he is George Clooney.
Adam West because he is the original.
I like the darker Batman movies with Christian Bale; I also enjoyed Michael Keaton as Batman.
I grew up with Batman the television show. Adam West was my favorite Batman. I was such a kid fan that I had a Batman pedal car.
I like Adam West watched in the 60’s
I like the first Batman movie where he meets the Joker
Umm….George Clooney….umm yummy to look at even with a mask on.
Kevin Conroy in Batman: The Animated Series will always be the best.
I agree. I kept animation out of it. Sorry. But I do agree. ~Tom
I like Adam West because I watched him on the original Batman series on TV when I was little.
I actually really liked Michael Keaton. He seemed believable in the role
My favorite Batman is Adam west
We like Adam west
all the cartoons cause I never really watched anything with the real people
I really liked George Clooney in the movies, but Adam West brings back memories
My favorite is Adam West. It was so silly that it makes me smile everytime.
George Clooney, of course!
My favorite has always been Adam West. He is the first that I remember, and the first one that comes to mind when I think of Batman.
Oops, forget to say he was my favorite because he is the first Batman I saw on the big screen.
Michael Keaton was my favorite Batman.
Adam West!
Christian Bale, because Bale gave us a Batman we could believe in, in more ways than one.
Adam West because that was my first “Batman”. Loved the show!
Adam West. He set the bar for all others.
The first batman in the film series was Michael Keaton. He is my favorite because he was the batman I was first introduced to onscreen and he was great. George Clooney is my 2nd, Adam West 3rd, Val Kilmer 4th, Ben Affleck 5th, Christian Bale is dead last.