Okay everyone, Tom here from Tom’s Take On Things and I want to invite you to enter this giveaway for a 2018 Happy Holiday Scrubs Christmas Ornament.
Did you know I was a Paramedic for 24-years? While I have worn a few different uniforms, Scrubs has been a part of them for over half of my career.

2018 Happy Holiday Scrubs Christmas Ornament Giveaway
Ends 12/31/2018
Sponsored by Tom’s Take On Things

Perfect prize to win for a Nurse, Paramedic, or loved one in the medical field.
Grab yours here on Amazon!
So who would you like to win this for? Why not give me an early Christmas Gift and share this post and my blog with everyone you know?

Giveaway is open to residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older. Winner has 48 hours to respond to winning email. Tom’s Take On Things is responsible for prize delivery. Giveaway is not associated with Hallmark, Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter in any way. Giveaway ends 12/31/2018.
Why not visit Tom’s Take On Things and make his Christmas Wish come true
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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I am hoping for a bike. I am trying to be healthier
Im hoping 4 NEW HOUSE!!!!!!
I was hoping and praying that my son would get into the school he was hoping for. We found out 3 days after Christmas that he made it in even thought it didn’t look like it at first.
I wished for my son to gt into the school he applied and it happened even though it didn’t look like it was going to
I am wishing for more time to spend with family and friends this new year.And a job raise!
I am wishing for a restful holiday season.
I am wishing for quality time with my family. It was a very hard, trying year for us, so I just want to spend time with them.
I am hoping and wishing for something not for myself but for the world we find ourselves in currently. That we would all take a step back and look at the issues our nations face and come to the realization that many of them are not security threats but rather humanitarian issues. I often wonder if as Rome fell if their misplaced citizens were more easily absorbed into other global areas? As today’s “Rome” I feel it is something that makes me reflect on my own behaviors towards others and help for others constantly.
On a shallower side, I wish for this prize. My wife helps families with children having additional needs and works for the pediatricians we take our kids to as well. It would be an amazing gift exchange item for her to bring to events.
I was wishing for a brand new grandchild. I got my wish as my granddaughter was born on Christmas day!
I would love a dishwasher. I know it is materialistic. THank you
My Christmas wish, is that my niece’s stepfather make it through Christmas and New Year’s. He has stage 4 prostate cancer that has spread into his lymph nodes. This man has been such a wonderful, warm, generous, sweet soul. Our family has been very lucky to have him join us and it will be a great loss for us.
My other wish is that my MIL get some sort of relief from the effects of her chronic renal failure. She’s also on hospice care. Another kind, gentle, loving soul. I really lucked out with my in laws. I have a beautiful extended family and I love them all so very much. I wish I could help easy their pain. I lost my Mom 5 years ago, so I know what they’re going through.
Merry Christmas and God Bless everyone.
I pray for what you are wishing for. ~Tom
I am looking forward to spending quality time with my children and grand children
I was hoping for a convertible, but settled for some new tires and a washer and dryer, LOL.
I get that! I didn’t see my Dodge Challenger in the driveway either!
A Happy and fun day with my kids and grand kids.
My kids to enjoy the holiday
I am hoping for lots of fuzzy socks and a family photo.
I am hoping that I can learn to do more for me – when taking a day off – leave the phone on silent, read a book, get a massage – just stop doing for everyone else on my down time.
I’m wishing for phone calls with my children. A quiet happy day with my husband.
I am wishing for lots of new books. I am wishing that every child get a visit from Santa.
I would love a new computer for sure
I just want a healthy and happy family for Christmas this year. As I am getting older things aren’t as important to me. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am a nurse and this would be a great gift for a coworker
What I am wishing for the most is something we are going through to be resolved soon. I do not think it will happen by Christmas though :/
I’m hoping for some gift cards, bath bombs, and wax melts!!!
I am hoping for a new pair of pajamas. What I’m really looking forward to is spending time with my family.
Thank you!
This is so cute! I have a nephew who is a paramedic and nurse and multiple friends who are nurses and or paramedics. I am thankful for nurses and paramedics, after caring for my elderly mom I know how important these people are.
Michelle B
Im really hope for a new pot of slippers! I have worn mine completely out and hoping Santa brings me a pair!
I forgot the question now. thanks for this chance to win. connie danielson
Good Luck, and Happy Holidays. I am going to leave the fact that you forgot the question alone. Proves a point of mine though.
I want for my kids to enjoy the holiday, and possibly start a new tradition with them.
I hope for good health for those i love. I have a son with a heart transplant and a daughter who had Cancer at 7 .
I am hoping for the same for you. ~Tom
I would love to win the lottery and never have to work again… ok, not really, I would be bored out of my mind. I would love a year of good health, happiness and love for my family and friends! Merry Christmas to you Tom!
I’m an MRI tech so I LOVE this ornament!!
im wishing for a white christmas!! i love snow on christmas day!!
My biggest wish this Christmas is to have my family pieced back together.This was a very rough year for us and we are trying to work on things but it’s complicated..just hope one day we can be a happy family again.
I am wishing for a wonderful time spent making memories with my family!