Star Wars Boba Fett Portable Battery Charger Giveaway
Hosted and Sponsored by Tom’s Take On Things
Do you like Star Wars? Tom over at Tom’s Take On Things does, and he is giving away this Boba Fett portable battery charger for your electronic devices. If you notice your phone or mp3 player is down on power, use this themed power charger to keep it going.
Open to residents 18 years of age or older in the U.S. or Canada (void in Quebec). Giveaway ends 6/3 at 11:59pm EST. Participating Blogs were not compensated for this post, or responsible for prize delivery. Winner will have 24 hours to respond to winning email. Tom’s Take On Things is responsible for prize delivery. Good Luck. May the Force be with you!
Enter the giveaway below, May the force be with you!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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Betty Curran says
Han Solo is my favorite character and made me a lifelong fan of Harrison Ford.
AEKZ2 says
Yoda is my favorite because he says wise things
Roxann says
Darth Vader for no particular reason. I just like him.
jules m. says
r2d2 has always been my favorite. He is adorable and also a little sassy 🙂
Richard Hicks says
My fav character is r2d2. He makes me laugh with his robotic antics
Amy Deeter says
Han Solo is my favorite because it’s Harrison Ford. One of the greatest characters out there
Jim Hayes says
Yoda because he is wise and interesting to listen to
Kristi C says
My favorite is C3Po because he made me laugh.
Hargow Wong says
My favorite is Yoda. He is old and wise.
Suzanne Denys says
I think Han Solo is my favorite character ever of Star Wars. Who doesn’t like the snarky, funny, tough guy?
Jeffrey Legg says
Han Solo is my favorite he is the Clark Gable of space!!
Amy C. says
Hans Solo…….No explanation necessary. I mean come on, Harrison Ford.
tina m says
Our favorite is R2D2, we love robots.
Robin Abrams says
I like C-3PO the best. Not sure why just like him
Lisa Williams says
I have always loved Yoda because he’s tiny,cute,green,and no matter his size he’s a Jedi Master and full of wisdom and knows how to responsibly use the force.
amy guillaume linderman says
i love c3po. he is so calm .