Often times, having information at your reach can be handy in any situation. For EMT’s, Paramedic’s, and Nurses, time is not always a luxury we have. So having quick references can be essential in just say for example converting someone’s weight from pounds to kilos. While you could try and figure it in your head, visually seeing something quickly can make a difference when time is not on your side.
You can find me on BlogLovin! It’s easy to follow me, and my adventures!
Did you know you can find me on Bloglovin? Easy to do, and I am easy to follow. Why would you want to miss all of this fun! Follow my blog with Bloglovin So follow me, share my site with others, and help make A Medic’s World a site for all to visit!
New MEDRILLS Subscriptions for Training EMS Groups or Individuals
What a great opportunity to not only have some of the best apps on your mobile device, but to be able to subscribe to what you want for large groups now!
Paramedic’s, EMT’s and Rescue personnel, enter to win an iPad mini
Paramedics, EMT’s, safety and rescue personnel, this giveaway is geared towards us, enter to win an iPad mini, and make your partner jealous!
Poisoning and Overdose Emergencies EMS/Paramedic iOS app review
Educational opportunities for EMT’s and Paramedics are easier then ever with great apps that you can carry with you on your iOS and android devices. Medrills has stepped up to fill this niche. Here we have Poisoning and Overdose’s.
Medrills Allergic Reactions EMS/Paramedic iOS app review
Educational opportunities for EMT’s and Paramedics are easier then ever with great apps that you can carry with you on your iOS and android devices. Medrills has stepped up to fill this niche.
If life gives you a sucker punch, stand up proudly and say “Is that all you got!”
Often in life, we get surprised with something we weren’t ready for, or at least ill-prepared to deal with. That is life’s way of giving you a sucker punch, and pushing you to your limits.
Get your EMT/Paramedic or new Graduate something they will remember!
Sometimes we forget who impacts our lives, or the difference they make. Maybe you are someone that wants to share that remembrance or dedication by giving that EMT or Paramedic this EMS Challenge Coin to show your support. It could be for graduating the EMS class, or a gift from a family member, or maybe […]
Great gift idea for EMT’s and Paramedics, EMS themed Corn Hole Boards!
Sometimes it can be hard finding that right gift idea for that EMT, Paramedic, or Rescue person that you know. They are hard to shop for, and finding something unique is next to impossible sometimes.
ArchieMD 3D Health: Anatomy and Health Essentials for iOS review
As a Paramedic, and someone who always loves learning new things, I truly love getting the chance to review great medical apps for the iOS. So here was my chance to review ArchieMD 3D Health: Anatomy and Health Essentials, a program that features some amazing animations and videos.